ZEISS SIGMA Based on Proven Gemini Technology
• The Gemini objective lens design combines electrostatic and magnetic fields to maximize optical performance while reducing field influences at the sample to a minimum. This enables excellent imaging, even on challenging samples such as magnetic materials.
• The Gemini in-lens detection concept ensures efficient signal detection by detecting secondary (SE) and/or backscattered (BSE) electrons minimizing time-to-image.
• Gemini beam booster technology guarantees small probe sizes and high signal-to-noise ratios.


Microlens array of a CCD sensor, imaged with ETSE.

Nickel sulphide ore. Mineralogic map generated from a backscatter image and an EDS map.

Lanthanum carbonate, imaged at 1 kV at high vacuum with Inlens Duo BSE.

Ni-Cr-Fe metal spray powder coating imaged at 4 kV with HDBSD.

Discover Embedded Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Analysis
✓ Optimization for routine microanalysis applications and detection of low energy X-rays from light elements thanks to superior transmissivity of the silicon nitride window
✓ Workflow-guided graphical user interface improves ease-of-use and repeatability in multi-user environments
✓ Total service and system support by a ZEISS engineer is giving you a one-stop-shop for installation, preventive maintenance and warranty

Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Reap the Benefits of Fully Integrated RISE
✓ Recognize molecular and crystallographic information
✓ Perform 3D analysis and correlate SEM imaging, with Raman mapping and EDS data if appropriate
✓ Fully integrated RISE lets you take advantage of both best-in-class SEM and Raman systems